I knew I was in trouble the second time I locked Aidan in the car--WITH my keys still in it. I was dropping the girls off at school, and got out of the car to get their backpacks out of the trunk & hug them good-bye. I slammed the door, and...
"Oh, crap!" I had mindlessly locked the doors, leaving my 18 month old son asleep in his carseat. Now what? A mom who knows me fairly well is laughing. "No, no AAA." "Yes, I have a spare, but it's in the car." "No, Devon can't come unlock it. He works downtown and rides the bus to work. It would be at least an hour!" Hmmm...
Tap-tap-tap! "Aidan, wake up! Aidan!" He looks at me groggily. "Aidan, can you unlock the door with your foot?" He couldn't reach the lock with his hand, because he was buckled properly. He had learned to LOCK the door with his foot, but not UNlock it. He shook his head and said something, but I couldn't hear it through the closed window. "Aidan, Mommy is locked out of the car. Can you try to use your foot to unlock the door?" He shook his head "no" again, saying something I still could not hear. Am I going to have to call the police? I feel like such an idiot! "Please, Aidan, just try to reach the lock with your toe!" He says something else, then...
...rolls the window down, saying "Mom, I can't hear you!" Why didn't I think of that? "Aidan, you're a genius!"
So, that's the story of how I discovered that my toddler sucked out all of my brain cells while I was pregnant with him...
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